While adult tooth loss may not be as common as a cavity or gum disease, for example, it still can…
Besides your smile’s appearance, there are multiple ways in which losing one or more teeth can impact your daily life.…
If you experience tooth loss, it may not be difficult to realize that it’s a problem. Your smile’s appearance won’t…
Preferably, you can avoid tooth loss with consistently good care and maintenance of your smile. However, tooth loss is common…
A dental bridge can permanently close the gap in your smile left by a missing tooth. This can actually be…
The way your smile looks after tooth loss may be reason enough for you to seek a prosthetic replacement. However,…
Whether you have lost one, several, or all of your teeth, a prosthetic can help you regain an attractive smile.…
If your teeth have sustained damage as a result of decay from improper dental care, or have been broken due…
The more you know about your dental health, the more you may realize how simultaneously resilient and vulnerable it is.…
November is American Diabetes Month® (ADM) which is an effort by the American Diabetes Association to raise awareness of the…