Can a dental crown protect a vulnerable tooth without altering your appearance? Crowns can effectively take care of your oral health when you require more support than a dental filling, making it an effective option for physical trauma as well as severe dental decay. Our Northwest IN dentist’s office can actually provide crowns that imitate healthy enamel, which can provide lasting benefits for your smile and oral health. Remember that we can also provide regular updates about the state of your smile, which can lead to timely care that resolves problems before they become serious enough to require dental crowns. (more…)
Flossing And Your Healthy Smile
How much work are you currently putting into your oral hygiene routine? If you are not including flossing in your overall efforts to keep your smile clean, you can have a harder time than you realize to prevent problems with dental decay and gum disease. At our Northwest INÂ dentist’s office, we can offer insights into proper smile care, and we can provide in-office care to help you stay safe against oral health concerns. We are happy to address any questions you have about flossing and other aspects of smile care. We are also ready to discuss matters of cosmetic dental work if you are looking for ways to make esthetic improvements to your smile. (more…)
Why Some Cavity Treatments Include A Root Canal
There are different actions that our practice can take to help those patients in need of treatment for dental decay. Before we recommend a specific procedure, we can actually provide an evaluation to determine just how serious your cavity is, which tells us what kind of approach will be beneficial. There are times when a tooth’s treatment will call for a root canal procedure. Why is this? In order to address an infection that forms when bacteria make their way to your pulp, your Northwest IN dentist can provide this service to remove infected tissues and unwelcome bacteria within before sealing the pulp and preparing you for the placement of a dental crown. If this care is not provided, those harmful microbes will continue to attack living tissues and spread through your roots to create new problems! (more…)
Discreet And Conservative Care For A Chipped Tooth
If you have a chipped tooth, you can find that you no longer feel comfortable showing off your smile out of fear that the damage is drawing unwanted attention. Unfortunately, you may have more to worry about than just the cosmetic impact of damage. In time, your tooth can experience more harm because it is in a weakened state, which means that chip can turn into a bigger issue! Our Northwest IN dentist’s office is prepared to help you take on problems with this and other kinds of physical trauma. Whenever possible, we can recommend conservative cosmetic work that targets flaws and makes careful, lasting changes. If necessary, we can provide an approach that offers more functional support while still preserving the way you look. (more…)
A Tooth Filling Can Match Your Tooth Structure
In the course of a routine dental visit, your Northwest IN dentist will closely study your teeth. What information will you receive at the end of their evaluation? This will depend on what state your smile is in—hopefully, you will only receive good news, but you may discover that you need treatment for a cavity. The good news is that when this kind of problem is caught in time, the treatment that you receive can be surprisingly conservative. We can provide a dental filling that only covers the area where decay formed. In addition to providing a conservative treatment option, this will allow you to enjoy care without worrying about your appearance, as the substance we use can imitate your healthy enamel! (more…)
Trusting Veneers To Make Smile Improvements
Do you really have access to the kinds of cosmetic procedures that will make noticeable and long-lasting smile changes possible? At our Northwest IN dentist’s office, we are ready to discuss services that can give you the kinds of improvements you want to show off. One of your options will be to have unattractive teeth capped with custom porcelain veneers. These restorations are slim enough to only make minimal preparatory work necessary. With that said, they are strong enough to make sure that you can count on them to preserve the way you look for the long term! Whether you want to know more about this procedure or another service, we are ready to help you show off a better, more confident smile! (more…)
How We Respond To Dental Emergencies
If something is wrong with your smile, it may be no surprise to know that your dentist is ready to help. What can surprise you is that you can see your Northwest IN dentist for treatment on short notice when a problem calls for it. Our practice makes emergency oral health services available so that patients can see us when they need help for something potentially serious. Based on your condition when you arrive, we will look for the most conservative treatment option that can help you. Whether you need to make cosmetic corrections to a chipped or cracked tooth or require something more advanced for a more severe injury or cavity, we can see to it that you have the right support and enjoy lasting protection for your tooth after treatment. (more…)
3 Teeth Whitening Solutions You Should Know
There are different approaches to be taken in order to whiten a patient’s teeth. How will you know which one you should request? At our Northwest IN dentist’s office, we can provide helpful guidance based on the condition of your smile, and we can help you plan a procedure that best fits your schedule and personal preferences. Having several options for smile care can make it easier for you to proceed with treatment to improve on how you look. In addition to providing the right solution to help you with this concern, you should know that our cosmetic care can also take on issues with the shape, size, or alignment of teeth in order to give you a renewed feeling of confidence in your appearance. (more…)
How Dental Exams Help With Cavity Prevention
There is much that you can do on your own to protect yourself against dental decay. Brushing and flossing are certainly useful. You should also be mindful of how much sugar you consume, as an excess can lead to more troubles with cavities. As important as it is to follow these habits to protect yourself, remember that you should also rely on professional support if you want to maintain your best and healthiest smile. At our Northwest IN dentist’s office, patients receive thorough cleanings that actually lower their risk for problems. This protection can do more than you can on your own, as your hygienist can actually remove tartar buildup that affects you. (more…)
Can I Count On A Crown To Restore My Smile?
In some circumstances, restorative dental work will call for the placement of something other than a dental filling. A crown is used to take care of a tooth when a filling is not able to provide adequate support. At our Northwest IN dentist’s office, we can make sure that patients receive crowns that are ready to provide lasting value. In situations where treatment will potentially affect a person’s appearance, we can provide cosmetic as well as functional support by using a material that closely imitates your healthy enamel. Remember that you can lower your risk for problems that are serious enough to require crowns when you regularly schedule your routine dental checkups. (more…)