Over time, stains can appear for a number of different reasons. Our teeth go from a bright white to yellow or brown. In order to remove these stains and help people in Gary, IN, enjoy their brightest possible smiles, we may suggest cosmetic dentistry. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at four different treatment options designed to brighten smiles!
A checkup is crucial for protecting smiles from oral health issues, allowing your Gary, IN, dentist to identify the early stages of common problems and treat them. In order to help safeguard smiles from cavities and periodontal problems, we may use a dental cleaning to remove plaque from smiles both young and old. What happens during a dental cleaning?
In our last blog, we took a look at how dental sealants can benefit little smiles in Gary, IN. Today, we would like to continue this conversation, covering the importance of a routine checkup and cleaning for children of all ages. Routine preventive care not only allows us to address cavities before they threaten smiles, but to also identify other common oral health issues.
In recent blogs, we’ve talked about how a fluoride treatment can helps strengthen outer enamel to protect little smiles from cavities. In today’s blog, we would like to highlight another preventive option that can protect children from the onset of tooth decay. Find out how your Gary, IN, dentist employs dental sealants to reduce the risk of tooth decay and infection.
Teeth-whitening is so popular these days that, sometimes, it can seem like there isn’t much more you can know about it. However, many people suffer their stained teeth for far longer than they have to because they don’t realize how effective and convenient professional teeth-whitening is. At our Gary, IN, dental office, we can recommend a choice of teeth-whitening options designed to fit your schedule conveniently while effectively erasing stains and brightening your smile. For example, if you’re in a hurry, we can perform teeth-whitening at our office in just a single visit. Or, we can design a kit that includes a set of custom trays and a supply of gel for you to brighten your smile at home. (more…)
You know that brushing and flossing are important for keeping little smiles healthy. But what if your child still has a high likelihood of developing a cavity? For children in Gary, IN, with increased chances of developing tooth decay, we may recommend fluoride treatments. How does a fluoride treatment prevent cavities, and what does the procedure involve?
Have you ever heard of TMJ disorder? Also known as TMD, this jaw joint disorder could lead to serious discomfort and even impact how your mouth opens and closes. In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about how we identify and treat the disorder, and what warning signs our Gary, IN, patients should watch for. Find out when your smile may need TMJ treatment!
Bruxism, in which a person routinely grinds or clenches his or her teeth, could lead to serious trouble for our smile’s health. Over time, the pressure has been known to wear down or damage teeth. Fortunately, we have treatment options designed to prevent damage and even stop the onset of teeth grinding. In today’s blog, let’s look at why we grind our teeth and how to stop!
In the next couple of weeks, kids from all over the area will begin returning to school. After that, your schedule is going to become much, much busier. Which is why we recommend families in Gary, IN, schedule a checkup and cleaning for themselves and their children before returning to school. Find out what happens in these preventive visits in today’s blog.