Category: Preventive Dentistry

Stay Up To Date With Your Dental Checkups

Green Hoodie Man Gary In

One of the most important steps in your ongoing smile maintenance is going to the dentist for a cleaning and examination. The general rule of thumb is that you should see your provider at least once every six months for a semiannual checkup. This gives you consistent care and helps your oral health professional to… Read more »

Your Gums Play An Important Role In Your Health

Stripe Woman Gary IN

When you think about your smile, you probably focus on your teeth. This is a natural tendency for people, but it is important to remember that there is more to your mouth. Your gums are an integral part of your oral health, and they deserve the proper care and treatment. Nearly half of all adult… Read more »

Learning To Listen To Your Dentist

Hearing Dental News Gary IN

Have you heard the benefits of routine visits with an oral health care provider? For the protection of your smile, it is vital that you adhere to your timeline of professional examinations and cleanings. Most people need to see their dentist every six months for these appointments, but some smiles need more frequent visits, depending… Read more »

Your Checkups Serve A Valuable Purpose

Arms Livonia MI

Your routine dental cleanings and examinations are crucial in order to give you the tools you need to have a successful smile. This process is necessary every six months for the average mouth; if it has been a while since your last visit to the dentist, use this as an opportunity to set your oral… Read more »

The Benefits Of A January Cleaning

Winter Gary IN

As the year winds down, things start to return back to normal a little bit. The major family holidays have ended and people are mostly at home getting ready for a return to school and work. It is also a time when we celebrate the renewal that the next year can bring. Take advantage of… Read more »

Don’t Let Sensitivity Hold You Back

Cold Gary IN

This time of year can be especially illuminating when it comes to our oral health. Here in Northwest Indiana, we certainly know the daily struggle with the cold. But are you letting your dental sensitivity concern get worse through inaction? There is a strong possibility that you are causing further damage without even knowing it…. Read more »

Addressing Gingivitis At A Dental Exam

During regular dental visits, patients can expect to receive feedback about their teeth. Early warnings about dental decay lead to timely support, and the identification of wear and tear can help us recognize an issue with nightly teeth grinding that can require attention. You should know that your Northwest IN dentist will check more than… Read more »

How Dental Exams Help With Cavity Prevention

There is much that you can do on your own to protect yourself against dental decay. Brushing and flossing are certainly useful. You should also be mindful of how much sugar you consume, as an excess can lead to more troubles with cavities. As important as it is to follow these habits to protect yourself,… Read more »

When Did You Attend Your Last Dental Exam?

Have you seen your dentist within the last six months? As part of a larger commitment to maintaining a healthy smile, a patient is typically advised to schedule semiannual dental checkups and cleanings. By remaining on this schedule, you lower your risk for cavities, and you can keep your smile clear of harmful plaque and… Read more »

Teeth Grinding Can Harm Your Smile

gary teeth grinding treatment

Bruxism, or chronic teeth grinding, not only drives your significant other crazy, but this could actually damage your smile and lead to major oral health complications. Fortunately, we can provide relief with a custom-made and comfortable bruxism appliance. In today’s blog, your Gary, IN, dentist talks about treating teeth grinding.