One of the most common dental issues is periodontal disease. This is the inflammation and infection of the gum tissue, and it is very prevalent in the United States. It’s estimated that approximately four in every ten Americans over the age of thirty suffer from this condition. So if you have begun to notice some… Read more »
This time of year can be especially illuminating when it comes to our oral health. Here in Northwest Indiana, we certainly know the daily struggle with the cold. But are you letting your dental sensitivity concern get worse through inaction? There is a strong possibility that you are causing further damage without even knowing it…. Read more »
When the weather starts to get a little colder, we invariably become sicker. More time spent together during the holidays and indoors makes for a prime breeding ground for our common viruses such as the cold or influenza. While these might feel like minor inconveniences that you can rest through, being sick can lead to… Read more »
Most people have something that they would alter with their smile, if they could just snap their fingers and make a change. From small concerns to larger ones, this might be something that is affecting you. If you find yourself with a nagging concern with your teeth, there may be a solution available to you…. Read more »
Most Americans are quite aware of how tooth decay works, at least as a concept. Practical application is usually where the breakdown in oral hygiene occurs. People know in their mind that ignoring flossing will not be beneficial to their oral health. But when it’s just that one time, you swear. The problem is that these… Read more »