Month: December 2021

Choosing Professional Teeth Whitening

It can prove difficult to prevent teeth stains from building up over time. You can protect yourself by brushing and flossing thoroughly, and by cutting back on products that are more likely to leave enamel stains. Unfortunately, even if you make positive changes to your routine, you can have a tough time dealing with discoloration… Read more »

Should You Look Into TMJ Therapy?

If you start to worry about how often you have pain or feelings of stiffness in your jaw, if you have headaches more often than you are used to, or if you begin to grind and clench your teeth reflexively, it could be due to a problem with TMJ disorder. This is a problem that… Read more »

Make Real Smile Improvements With Veneers!

Is your ideal smile really attainable? How much good can you really see from a cosmetic dental procedure? If you are interested in making changes to the way you look but unsure of what kind of results you might enjoy, learning about porcelain veneers can be beneficial. With these restorations, your Northwest IN dentist is… Read more »

Is Your Snoring Linked To Sleep Apnea?

The toll of sleep apnea can be heavier than you realize. People who suffer from this condition can have embarrassing snoring difficulties, but this is just one of several problems that can stem from this issue. Because your condition makes it difficult for you to enjoy restful sleep, you can experience trouble managing your physical… Read more »

Using TMJ Treatment To Address Bite Problems

While you may try to ignore it at first, persistent pain and sensitivity when you bite and chew is a cause for concern. If you have frequent issues with limited jaw movement, pain and stiffness, or more general concerns about discomfort in and around your joints, it can point to issues with TMJ disorder. Your… Read more »