Whether this is your first pregnancy or you have been down this road before, there is always more to learn. Many people are not aware of the link between periodontal disease, or the infection of your gum tissue, and having a child. Your body undergoes many changes throughout this process, and much of it puts… Read more »
Month: September 2022
Illness and Oral Health Care
Many Americans have some form of auto-immune system condition. For instance, around 9% of our population currently has diabetes, and that number is growing. There are also ties to other areas of your health, and we are discovering more each day. There are multiple links between your mouth and your heart health, specifically. This can… Read more »
Refresh Your Gumline, Aid Your Health
The recession of the gums is a very common concern for American patients. Nearly half of all Americans over the age of 30 have some form of periodontal disease, the term for the infection of the gum tissue. This can cause this matter to pull back from the tooth, eventually exposing the structure of the… Read more »
Selecting An Effective Teeth Whitening Method
A trip to your local grocery store can reveal that you have access to many products that offer to whiten teeth. What you can lack access to is the kinds of whitening agents that make significant changes to your appearance. What should you do if you want to resolve problems with more significant discoloration? Bring up your… Read more »