Conservative Treatment With Dental Veneers

A dentist is holding tweezers for dental ceramic veneers and crowns.For most people, the biggest threat to their oral health consists of concerns driven by bacteria, such as infection or decay. Indeed, factors that impact oral function are often prioritized for the way that they influence the quality of your smile. In other situations, however, function can be completely untouched as the only concern is cosmetic in nature. In today’s blog, your Northwest IN dentist would like to discuss the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, including how it can take care of unsightly blemishes in a non-invasive and conservative manner.

Cosmetic Inconsistencies

Nothing is more disheartening than being a single chip or crack away from having an otherwise perfect smile. What’s more, the fear of extensive, structural-altering treatment can be enough to discourage many from seeking the treatment they need. While function may not be a factor that is impacted, that does not mean that there is no point to seeking help.

When you experience a minor chip, crack, or even difficult stain present within your grin, you may want to consider cosmetic dentistry. This process allows your dentist to address surface-level concerns with a number of treatments specific to your needs. What’s more, you will not have to undergo extensive work that significantly alters your structures. For more information about this process, reach out to our team today.

When Other Methods Won’t Work

In many cases, your dentist will work with you to identify the best solution for your unique circumstance. For instance, a noticeable stain that will not go away with brushing along may be addressed with a dental whitening procedure. Another example includes a noticeable chip or crack that can be taken care of with bonding and contouring. While both of these methods are helpful for addressing specific concerns, they may fall short in handling more than a few. Take, for example, a difficult stain that even whitening cannot fix, or a variety of blemishes that range in severity. What happens next? Fortunately, that is where porcelain veneers come in to help!

A Non-Invasive Procedure

The major benefit that comes with porcelain veneers includes their ability to address a variety of different concerns in a discreet and highly lifelike manner. The process involves the creation of ultra-thin dental shells that are secured to the front of your teeth using a dental cement. What’s more, these restorations are crafted from a highly lifelike porcelain that closely mimic the exact shape, texture, and even shade of your smile. Because they are secured to the front of your teeth, they provide a permanent solution to virtually any cosmetic concern you may have, including if your smile is riddled with blemishes.

Learn More Today

For more information about the benefits of veneers or to schedule your appointment with our team today, contact Healthy Smiles in Northwest IN by calling 219-938-2637.